"Vibration" artistic trail, Department of Seine-Saint-Denis

Client Department of Seine-Saint-Denis
Place Department of Seine-Saint-Denis
Date 2024

Manifesto is handling the co-artistic direction and co-executive production of an art trail featuring eleven works in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis.

Launched as part of the Seine-Saint-Denis department’s public art program, the Vibration artistic trail extends from La Courneuve to the Parc de Marville and brings together eleven artists around the theme of movement.

Highlighting the sports heritage of the area, which will host several events during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, this trail also offers an opportunity for an art-filled walk between the Parc de Marville and the Parc Georges-Valbon, now connected by these works.

The artworks along the trail become a visual expression of movement in the La Courneuve area. Playing with optical illusions, shapes, and perspectives, the Vibration trail revitalizes the colors, strength, and energy of Seine-Saint-Denis.

With: Atelier Baudelaire, Lili Gayman, Nicolas Guiet, Malte Martin, Costanza Matteucci, Alice Meteignier, L’atelier Polysémique, Damien Poulain, Renzo, SURFACE TOTALE, Elsa Tomkowiak.

Artistic direction: Manifesto and Malte Martin / Écouter Pour Voir

Executive production: Manifesto et Octopus

Technical direction: Octopus

Mediation programme

As part of the artistic journey in La Courneuve, Manifesto is organising practical art workshops in Seine Saint-Denis to accompany the project and introduce it to local audiences. In a workshop focusing on gesture and tools, artist Alice Meteignier invites a range of audiences to experiment with new ways of using a range of materials, against the grain of traditional artistic tools. Carried out in partnership with the Red Star Lab Football Club, APF France Handicap and the FACE association, these four workshops were an opportunity for participants to build up a new graphic repertoire of abstract shapes, colours and geometric or organic objects.

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