Reinventing Heritage
After a national call for projects entitled Réinventer le patrimoine (Reinventing Heritage), launched by the French Ministries of Territorial Cohesion and Culture, 12 heritage sites have been chosen and will be given support as they are transformed into tourism and cultural projects.
The aim is to repurpose vacant buildings so that they can be used in a new way and to have a positive impact on their surrounding areas. The Agence National de la Cohésion des Territoires, the Banque des Territoires and Atout France are responsible for project management.
Manifesto is part of the pool of experts providing technical assistance for the transformation of the winning sites. Manifesto’s work focuses on the inclusion of artistic and cultural aspects in these renovation and restoration projects. How can we ensure the participation of cultural stakeholders, whether from the region or elsewhere, whether public, private or not-for-profit, which can contribute to a sense of shared ownership, bringing people together and presenting these heritage assets in new and different ways?
Manifesto's mission continues at other sites, including the Citadelle de Givet in Charlemont.